Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Strawberries

They come and go so fast, I literally made the decision at 9pm to dash the next day a couple hours away to the nearest organic strawberry farm for one of summer's loveliest treats.  8 quarts of berries yielded 10 pints of jam. I tried a recipe that used agar powder instead of other jelling agents and honey instead of the ridiculous amount of sugar called for in traditional freezer jam. The process was quick and easy and the product superb. I encourage you to find an organic strawberry farm before it's too late and put up some jam for the long winter. Strawberries are high on the list of foods to avoid because of pesticide residue, so we only eat organic ones. It's well worth the slightly higher cost to know we're eating safe and the land and workers on the farm were treated with respect. Yum.

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