Friday, May 07, 2010

Chemicals, Cancer and an Awakening

I am no scientist or doctor. But I have done some reading and need little convincing that the chemicals found in everything around and in us, are very likely making us sick.  This NY Times op-ed was the first published piece I saw yesterday upon the release of the President's Cancer Panel report suggesting that we and our unborn babies have an incredible chemical body-burden

Could this be the tipping point? This is huge in that it is a highly visible, mainstream effort - away from the politics of the alternative health community or organic farming supporters. Theoretically over time, this will become general knowledge. And as you might suspect, it took less than 24 hours for the panel's work to be called exaggerated from of all groups, the American Cancer Society.  It's easier apparently for them to continue the mantra about eating right and exercising than to address the overwhelming impact that our constant, compounded exposure to chemicals through food, water, air and personal care products has on our health.

Here are a few of the practical suggestions the report makes. 

--Avoid known or suspected toxics in foods, toys, health care, home and garden products/treatments for you and your children
--Invest in a high quality water filter and avoid food/water stored in plastics to avoid BPA exposure and other plastic components.
--Buy organic produced or those grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers
--Buy clean meat, grown without antibiotics or added hormones or that which has been processed

Many people in my life wonder why I go to such pains to reduce my everyday exposure to chemicals. Admittedly, there are times when my ways are odd. But as a child, I watched my mom suffer tremendously and die from cancer. I never want my child to experience that and I never want to watch another loved one endure such pain. That's the reason. It's an uphill battle, but one I find a moral imperative.

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