Tuesday, May 11, 2010

True Community

I'm still ruminating over the President's Cancer Panel and wondering how much impact it will have on those not already in-the-know. But as the rain pours down today, I think about my raised-bed garden; raised because we don't know how our lawn was treated prior to our arrival. We suspect it was treated with weed killing chemicals and fertilizer. I also wonder what run-off we will get in our soil but eventually in our well water from our neighbors who use chemicals on their lawns. We're all interconnected. I imagine a day when the choices we make take into consideration the effect they have on others. That's what I think is a true community.

On a lighter note, we made homemade finger paints today. Cornstarch, water and food coloring. What could be easier than that?  Oh, and anything that stains her clothes as much as this does is not something I ever want her (or me for that matter) to consume.

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