Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pesticides and Our Kids' Health

So many scientists and parents, too would like a straight line to be drawn between a disorder like ADHD and the cause. I simply don't believe that's possible. I believe it is a complicated intersection between genetics, environmental exposure and physical and brain activity. But it is affirming to know that studies are showing the link between chemicals and sickness and almost more importantly, that the press is finally talking about it. Surely you heard about this latest study on any of the major networks (Study: A Link Between Pesticides and ADHD) and even the Today Show (their medical reporter found it 'alarming'. Duh.) And bloggers like Red Pill Parents are talking about it as well. Pesticides kill pests and/or repel them. How could they be 'good' for any of us? 

What does it mean practically? The usual for us. Whole foods bought from trusted sources using organic farming methods. And when organic spinach or strawberries or apples aren't available, we choose to eat something safer. We use Environmental Working Group's list of fruits and vegetables rated for pesticide use.

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